Terms and Conditions


OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM developed this website for the personal information of its users. No commercial use, including partial use, of the data presented therein may be made without the prior written consent of OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM. This page provides details of the terms and conditions relating to every visitor to this website. The act of consulting the website implies unconditional acceptance and the application of the specifications of this document.



  1. OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM has endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of all the information provided on its website. Despite the care taken in the selection of the information provided on this website, it is possible that it may contain errors, inaccuracies or omissions. OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM waives contractual liability under all circumstances with regard to any one-off and unintended errors that may occur on the website. Moreover, the information provided on this website may be modified and updated without notice.
  2. OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM shall not be held liable for any material or intangible damage, whether direct or indirect, regardless of the cause (including any damage caused by any transmission of viruses or by IT fraud) or consequences arising from consulting this website, the use thereof, the information and use of the information provided therein or the inability to access the website, except for direct damage resulting from the gross or intentional negligence of OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM.
  3. In addition, the hypertext links placed on this website in order to supplement the information shall not incur the liability of OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM as a result of their content, nor shall the liability of OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM be incurred by the content of the entirely-independent external websites to which these links direct. All users of the website and the hypertext links must protect themselves from viruses which may infect their computer when visiting this website or the websites that may be accessed from this website by hypertext link. OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM does not guarantee that the server hosting the site is virus-free or that a technical issue may occur that could damage the constituent parts of the user’s computer or the data stored therein. In any event, OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM or any of its subcontractors shall not be liable for any damage that may occur during connection to the website.




The personal data you send to us are intended solely for the use of Brest’aim, a semi-public limited company managing the following public facilities: Océanopolis, Le Quartz, Le Quartz Congrès, Brest Aréna, Brest Expo, Rïnkla stadium, Moulin Blanc and Chateau Marinas, La Recouvrance, Brest Park. Your personal data are used to ensure the proper management of your services, to provide information concerning our work and to respond to your requests. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) of 27 April 2016, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, object to the processing of and delete your personal data.
You may exercise this right by sending us an e-mail to rgpd@brestaim.fr.
For further information, please see service-public.fr.


We use different cookies on the site to improve the interactivity of the site and our services.

What is a cookie ” ?
A “cookie” is a file of limited size, generally consisting of letters and numbers, sent by the internet server to the cookie file of the browser located on the hard disk of your computer.


Learn more about cookies, how they work and how to prevent them.

  • Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/en/kb/display-cookies-cookies
  • Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
  • Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en
  • Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH19214?locale=en_US&viewlocale=fr_FR


Internal cookies needed for the site to work:
These cookies allow the site to work optimally. You can oppose and delete them using your browser settings, however your user experience may be degraded.

Audience measurement cookies:
In order to adapt the site to the requests of its visitors, we measure the number of visits, the number of pages viewed as well as the activity of the visitors on the site and their frequency of return with Google Analytics.
For people who do not want the information stored by the statistics software that the site uses (Google Analytics), it is possible to download a browser add-on for the deactivation of Google Analytics.
We also collect your IP address, from which you connect. This is immediately anonymised after use. Océanopolis can not, under any circumstances, go back to a natural person.
The personal data collected (cookie identifier) ​​are not kept by Océanopolis. They are not assigned to third parties or used for other purposes.
You can set your browser so that you are informed of the creation of cookies and thus only allow cookies in certain cases, refuse cookies generally or for certain cases or even automatically delete cookies when you close your cookies. Navigator. When you disable cookies, the functionality of this website may be restricted.


  1. The entirety of this website, the presentation and each of the elements thereof, including logos, graphics, photographs, maps, videos, sounds, etc. appearing on the website are protected by the applicable French and international laws relating to intellectual property, and are the exclusive property of OCEANOPOLIS – BRESTAIM or its successors.
  2. No licence or right other than to consult the “website” shall be granted to any person with respect to intellectual property rights. The reproduction of the documents in the website is authorised for the sole purposes of information for personal and private use. Any reproduction or any use of copes made for other purposes is expressly prohibited.
  3. Use of the documents: any information, image, video, advertising campaign, etc. are protected as set out above. The rights to these assets may be held by third parties (e.g. photographers, models, illustrators, producers, etc.), who are subject to the transfer of rights, that are negotiated as required. As such, all rights of reproduction, representation and public communication including downloadable documents representing assets (posters, press, films, etc.) are reserved in this specific context.

No commercial use is permitted and the clauses of sections 1, 2 and 3 shall apply. Failure to comply with these clauses and the prohibitions set out therein constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil liability of the infringer.



The website www.oceanopolis.com may contain hypertext links directing to other websites entirely independent of the website www.oceanopolis.com. Therefore, any access to another website linked to the website www.oceanopolis.com is undertaken under the full and complete liability of the user.



OCEANOPOLIS expressly disclaims any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages related to the access or use of the website www.oceanopolis.com or incurred as a result thereof, including but not limited to any loss or damage caused by viruses affecting the user’s computer equipment or resulting from credence given to information obtained through the website www.oceanopolis.com.



OCEANOPOLIS reserves the right to update these website regulations at any time, and invites users to visit this page whenever they consult the website in order to be aware of the said regulations.



The photographs used on the website have been produced by OCEANOPOLIS, with the exception of certain images where credits are specified.

© Emmanuel Berthier
© Benjamin Deroche
© Simon Cohen
© DR La Recouvrance
© Office de tourisme de Brest métropole
© Le Château de Sable Eco Hôtel-Restaurant
© Escale Hotel Oceania Brest
© Hôtel Center Brest
© Franck Betermin
© Guillaume Team
© J. Ansquer
© Yannick Le Gall – CRT
© Ronan Gladu – CRT
© USAM Voile
© F. Le Mouillour
© Xavier Dubois
© Yannick Derennes



3 rue Dupleix BP 91039 – 29210 BREST CEDEX 1
RCS BREST 311 294 904
SA d’économie mixte au capital de 6 240 000 €.

Océanopolis Brest
Port de plaisance du Moulin Blanc
BP 91 039
29210 Brest cedex 1
Téléphone : 02 98 34 40 40
Fax : 02 98 34 40 49
Publication Director  :  Stéphane Maby
Web Project Manager :  Florence Paillardon

2, rue Eugène Varlin – BP 48621
44186 NANTES Cedex 4
Tel. : 02 72 64 72 64

12, rue Gutenberg
91620 Nozay
SIRET : 439 976 002 000 22


 ⚙️ Fermeture technique annuelle

Océanopolis est fermé du 6 janvier au 6 février 2025 inclus pour sa fermeture technique annuelle.

Retrouvez-nous à partir du vendredi 7 février pour les vacances d’hiver.

Nous vous souhaitons une très belle année 2025 !